Courage in Crisis
Courage in Crisis

Courage in Crisis

The Ultimate Guide To Success

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57,00 лв.

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For as long... I can remember, crises have been a part of my life. I never knew my father. My grandmother - my greatest role model and source of inspiration died when I was just twelve. At thirteen my mother and I were on the run for over two years from her abusive ex-boyfriend. At fifteen, I was left to live alone in a house with no running water and electricity.

Today, my life looks very different. I am a happily married man, a father of two beautiful children, the Lead Pastor of the fastest-growing church in Bulgaria, and the CEO of one of the nation's largest and most successful executive coaching companies.

Despite the pain and suffering I experienced, I have come to understand the value of crisis. When things fall apart, they create opportunities to re-think, re-adjust, and re-imagine your life, who you can be, and what you can achieve.

And that is why I wrote this book and called it "Courage in Crisis." This is my endeavor to support you through your journey as I wish someone had done for me.


Maksim's wisdom and insights will inspire you to rise above your fears and achieve success in every area of your life.

- Tim Storey (world-renowned life coach of Hollywood stars)

ISBN: 9788376975831
Издател: Хазон
Език: Български

Съдържание на книгата

PART ONE It's Time To Find Your 'Why'
Chapter 1 Finding Your Purpose
Chapter 2 Anatomy of Success
Chapter 3 Success Is a Choice...Literally

PART TWO It Starts With First Principles
Chapter 4 The First Principle of Faith
Chapter 5 The First Principle of Action
Chapter 6 First Principle of Courage

PART THREE Discovering Your Inner Power
Chapter 7 The Power of Pressure
Chapter 8 The Power Of Identity
Chapter 9 The Power of Habits.
Chapter 10 No Turning Back Now

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